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María Fernanda Ibarzábal

Suit Up! emerged as a project that invites our readers to learn about fashion and see it beyond clothing; to recognize it in politics, culture and society. To know that there is a message in every outfit, in every brand and in every color; to simply take the topic that seems interesting, analyze it and write about it.

It was 2018 when I graduated in International Relations. At that time, everyone was talking about the May the 4th socks worn by Justin Trudeau – Prime Minister of Canada – but was it just to be cool? Or was there something more to it? The best dressed politician according to GQ, but the article included Pedro Sánchez’s suits and Enrique Peña Nieto’s hairstyle. It couldn’t be a coincidence that, in addition to being international leaders, they had great style. That’s where my interest in the soft power of the fashion world was born.

In a room for 30 people, it was the first time I presented an analysis on fashion: The power of fashion on the First Lady of the United States. A twenty-eight-page text that took me more than two months of research and another two of writing. The four months that defined my two passions: fashion and writing.

New York Fashion, Business of Fashion and Marie Claire helped me understand international politics from another angle: that of clothes, colours and brands. Azul 615 has taught me to analyse it and to be able to express it in words. A project that in one year has given me learning, growth and opportunities.

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